Inside El Inca's Women's Prison |
In December I returned to Quito to help with the annual Christmas program and dinner in the women's prison. This year there are about 422 women plus children inside the prison. The women were glad to see me again and I had longed to see them! Many were doing well, growing in the faith and being used of the Lord. Others were struggling with drug addiction, depression, and loneliness. I believe all were encouraged as we came in to prison with a message of hope. Geodon, a christian rock group, lead off the morning engaging the women in song. Next, Pastor Jean shared and awesome message about Jesus love and concern for each one of them. As tears streamed down their faces many were touched by that same love that day. After this each women had a piece of paper to write down their prayer requests. They were writing like there was no tomorrow and putting as many words on that tiny piece of paper as they could. We then collected them and placed them all together and tied them to balloons. The requests were then prayed over, and they slowly lifted toward the heavens missing the barbed wire all around. Tears filled the eyes of some, while others shouted with joy as there requests left the place they could not! We finished out the afternoon with a gift basket of food, chocolates, and a music CD for every prisoner and staff member in the prison. It was a blessed and encouraging time. I am looking forward to our return back to Quito to continue in this rewarding ministry!