Reaching the people of Ecuador with the love of Christ bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Isaiah 61:3

Saturday, December 15, 2012


    I can't believe my last post was in September!  Where does the time go!  Can't believe Christmas is just around the corner.  We are very blessed this Christmas season.  My heart goes out to all those in CT who lost their children and family members.  Words can not express the sorrow that I am sure each of these families and ourselves have felt these past couple of days.  Our hearts and prayers are with all these families, their loved ones, and the community. Praying God's peace and comfort for each one of them.
     We continue on our journey though this month we have slowed down a bit due to the Christmas holidays.  Doesn't look like we will make our January departure so we are now shooting for May.  This will be when the next semester of language school starts.  We are a little less than %60 on our monthly budget which is amazing and we are well over our cash budget.  Although I am a little disappointed I know God has got everything under control!  Brooklyn will now be able to make her class trip, Cole will be able to participate in the Royal Ranger Pine Wood Derby, and I will be able to take a tropical medicine class that will be in the early spring.  We have a lot to be thankful this Christmas season and we thank God for the love he has shown us through the birth of His son, Jesus!

    Just a side note.  I wasn't able to go to Ecuador this Christmas for the Women's prison christmas program.  But I was told all things went well.  There are now close to 555 women in the prison.  They had a concert for the women, the word was preached, the balloons were let go with the womens prayer requests on them, and hearts were changed!

Merry Christmas or Feliz Navidad!!!
